Wednesday 11 May 2016

An Open Love Letter To Women’s Bodies

Losing my virginity took less than a minute.
I was so mesmerized by the beauty, openness, and curves of my girlfriend that I felt overwhelmed.
Every curve of her body begging to have my hands on them.
Every patch of skin that I touched softer than the last.
Her eyes staring into my soul with such depth.
Before physically being with a woman I had imagined that sexual intimacy would do something to me… but I had no idea the level of infatuation it would set off in my mind.
This is an open love letter to women’s bodies (with some always-requested action-steps at the end for the guys).

So, What’s Your Type?

Through fifteen years of serial-monogamy I have discovered something about my type; my type is no type. Or all types, depending on your perspective.
The older I get the wider of a variety of women I find myself being attracted to.
Throughout my life I have adored short, curvy women whose mere existence just begs to be picked up and swung around.
I appreciate tall, slender women whose little rib cages call out for my arms to wrap around them.
I find myself marvelling at the folds, flab, bones, curves, and angles of women.
Beautiful curvaceous women with figures like chandeliers.
Long, slender women with bodies like bullets straight through my heart.
Women with elegant necks, chewable collar bones, and hairlines that smell like everything that is right with the world.
It would be all too easy to say that your type is a 5’9 blonde with this and that feature… but if you are unable see the inherent beauty in all women’s bodies, you will forever struggle to see it truthfully in your woman’s body.
Part view of a man's hands caressing a nude woman's back.

When Did Bodies Become Something We Have To Apologize For?

When I hear (mostly) women talking about how fat, weak, bloated, hairy, or oily their bodies are my heart springs into action.
Like a toddler who resists admitting that his unique piece of art really is that amazing, I lavish praise on the body-shame.
Her: “Does my butt look big in this jeans?”
Me: “Mmm totally! It looks fucking fantastic.”
All emotional resistance can be melted through with love and acceptance.
Not only does praise melt away body-shame in the moment, but it can also prevent it by constantly reassuring the owner of said body.
In my relationship, my partner doesn’t go a day without hearing about something that I love about her body (among other things).
If you are with someone, it’s because you want to be with them. Don’t just tell yourself “She knows that I’m attracted to her”… TELL her.
Contextual masculine brain thinking goes like this… “If I tell her that I love her or that I am attracted to her body, that statement is still true unless otherwise modified.”
While present-minded feminine thinking says “I logically know that he says he’s attracted to me… but how does he feel about me now? Today? This very moment?”
Loving couple lying in bed

For The Action-Takers Out There

For the men who are craving the usual action steps that occur in my articles…
If you are currently in a relationship, remind yourself what you love about your partners appearance.
When was the last time that you told her that her thighs absolutely kill you?
When was the last time you came up behind her and wrapped your arms around her beautiful torso and growled softly in her ear?
How long has it been since she saw the look of awe and disbelief in your eyes as you scanned her delicious body from head to toe?
Your woman craves praise and appreciation.
The feminine in every person (male or female) is nourished by praise.
So tell your partner what you like and tell them often.
Dedicated to your success,
The Author

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